3 ways to get involved

  • Volunteer

    Tutors - Subject specialty or general school work help

    Mentors - Someone to listen, someone to care and give sound advice to struggling youth

    Security - monitor the door

    General helpers

    Servers - snacks / lunch


    Building maintenance

    Lawn maintenance

  • Donate Items


    Learning / Reading Games

    children’s books




    Art supplies

    Musical Instruments

    School supplies

    Cleaning supplies

    Food for lunches / snacks / water / juice boxes

  • Financial Support

    Our current monthly expenditures:

    Insurance: $100

    Rent: $600

    Electric: $400

    Internet: $35


We can do this together.

Ever hear the story of the little red hen? Let’s all get involved NOW while we’re just getting started! Be a part of the process and experience the benefit of a healthier community TOGETHER!


Thank you!